On Saturday the 18th of May, the Seventh Day Adventist church of which I am a member was inaugurated at the Hartenbos Campgrounds. Vice president Ps. Andre Niemandt was there to do the honours and dedication. Ps. Servaas Viljoen was there and Br. Johan Barnard told us of what the campgrounds looked like yeeeaaarrrrsss ago.
We had good attendance and some of our more senior members were also present to see the inauguration. The light was not the best….11 o’clock in the morning and no cloud cover. Everyone was squinting and peering at what was happening up front. I had to move around on my haunches with two video cameras recording everything as well, one from the front and another recording the congregation. Ps. Servaas did a quick prayer and Ps Andre did the formalities and all was done in an jiffy. It was also communion so time was not a luxury we had unfortunately. Just as well as those long winded speeches make things a little boring 🙂
All in all a very blessed Sabbath was had by all. The church will also be receiving two new speakers to add to the existing two units as well as arranging for a mothers room in one of the vestries for time being.
The plan is to get a video and audio feed of what is happening in the church directly to the mothers room so that they can all feel part of what is happening inside the church.
God bless and have a wonderful weekend